Plastic behavior of polycrystalline tantalum in the 5e7/s regime |
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Lithographically fabricated gratings for the interferometric measurement of material shear moduli under extreme conditions |
A. Gleason et al. |
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Observation of inhibited electron-ion coupling in strongly heated graphite |
T. G. White et al. |
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Nanosecond white-light Laue diffraction measurements of dislocation microstructure in shock-compressed single-crystal copper |
M. J. Suggit et al. |
Nature Communica. 3, 1224 |
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Phase transformations and metallization of magnesium oxide at high pressure and temperature |
R. Stewart McWilliams et al. |
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Dynamics of relativistic laser-plasma interaction on solid targets |
Y. Ping et al. |
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Evidence for a Phase Transition in Silicate Melt at Extreme Pressure and Temperature Conditions |
D. K. Spaulding et al. |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 065701 |
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Hot Electron Temperature and Coupling Efficiency Scaling with Prepulse for Cone-Guided Fast Ignition |
T. Ma et al. |
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Coupling of high-intensity laser light to fast electrons in cone-guided fast ignition |
K. U. Akli et al. |
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Shock vaporization of silica and the thermodynamics of planetary impact events |
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Orientation and rate dependence in high strain-rate compression of single-crystal silicon |
R. F. Smith et al. |
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In situ lattice measurement of the bcc phase boundary in Mg on the principal Hugoniot |
D. Milathianaki et al. |
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Characterizing the energy distribution of laser-generated relativistic electrons in cone-wire targets |
H. Sawada et al. |
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Plasma-accelerated flyer-plates for equation of state studies |
D. E. Fratanduono et al. |
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Ballistic electron transport in non-equilibrium warm dense gold |
T. Ogitsu et al. |
High Energy Density Phys. 8, 303 |
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Two-dimensional imaging velocity interferometry: Technique and data analysis |
D. J. Erskine et al. |
AIP Conf. Proc. 1426, 364 |
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Neutron resonance spectrometry for temperature measurement during dynamic loading |
D. Swift et al. |
AIP Conf. Proc. 1426, 376 |
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Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering of laser shock compressed alpha-quartz |
C. Bolme et al. |
AIP Conf. Proc. 1426, 1581 |
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Absolute determination of charge-coupled device quantum detection efficiency using Si K-edge x-ray absorption fine structure |
J. Dunn and A. B. Steel et al. |
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 10E120 |
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X-ray bang-time and fusion reaction history at picosecond resolution using RadOptic detection |
S. P. Vernon et al. |
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Simultaneous high-resolution two-dimensional spatial and one-dimensional picosecond streaked x-ray pinhole imaging |
A. B. Steel et al. |
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Effects of fs-laser desorption on target normal sheath acceleration (TNSA) |
G. Hoffmeister et al. |
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Measuring electron-positron annihilation radiation from laser plasma interactions |
H. Chen et al. |
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Two-dimensional imaging velocity interferometry: Data analysis techniques |
D. J. Erskine et al. |
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A diamond detector for X-ray bang-time measurement at the National Ignition Facility |
A. G. MacPhee et al. |
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An apparatus for the characterization of warm, dense deuterium with inelastic x-ray scattering |
P. Davis et al. |
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Large-scale molecular dynamics simulations of dense plasmas: The Cimarron Project |
F. R. Graziani et al. |
High Energy Density Phys. 8, 105 |
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High-energy x-ray backlighter spectrum measurements using calibrated image plates |
B. R. Maddox et al. |
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2011 |
Reaction in Ni-Al laminates by laser-shock compression and spalling |
C.T. Wei et al. |
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A novel zirconium K-alpha imager for high energy density physics research |
K. U. Akli et al. |
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Laser Wakefield Acceleration beyond 1 GeV using Ionization Induced Injection |
K. A. Marsh et al. |
Proc. IEEE Particle. Accel. Conf, TUOBN1 |
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The Effects of a Density Mismatch in a Two-Stage LWFA |
B. B. Pollock et al. |
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Production of neutrons up to 18 MeV in high-intensity, short-pulse laser matter interactions |
D. P. Higginson et al. |
Phys. Plasmas 18, 100703 |
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Characterization of a spherically bent quartz crystal for K-alpha x-ray imaging of laser plasmas using a focusing monochromator geometry |
N. L. Kugland et al. |
J. Instrum. 6, T03002 |
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The diagnostics of ultra-short pulse laser-produced plasma |
Markus Roth |
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A new method to generate dust with astrophysical properties |
J. F. Hansen et al. |
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High strain-rate plastic flow in Al and Fe |
R. F. Smith et al. |
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Demonstration of a narrow energy spread, ~0.5 GeV electron beam from a two-stage laser wakefield accelerator |
B. Pollock et al. |
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Towards laboratory produced relativistic electron-positron pair plasmas |
H. Chen et al. |
High Energy Density Phys. 7, 225 |
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Development of Compton radiography of inertial confinement fusion implosions |
R. Tommasini et al. |
Phys. Plasmas 18, 056309 |
2011 |
Multi-beam effects on backscatter and its saturation in experiments with conditions relevant to ignition |
R. K. Kirkwood et al. |
Phys. Plasmas 18, 056311 |
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Fast electron temperature and conversion efficiency measurements in laser-irradiated foil targets using a bremsstrahlung detector |
B. Westover et al. |
Phys. Plasmas 18, 063101 |
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Effects of target charging and ion emission on the energy spectrum of emitted electrons |
A. Link et al. |
Phys. Plasmas 18, 053107 |
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K-shell spectroscopy of Au plasma generated with a short-pulse laser |
C. Zulick et al. |
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Gamma ray spectra from targets irradiated by picosecond lasers |
J. F. Seely et al. |
High Energy Density Phys. 7, 150 |
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Study of silver K-alpha and bremsstrahlung radiation from short-pulse laser-matter interactions with applications for x-ray radiography |
B. Westover et al. |
Phys. Plasmas 17, 082703 |
2010 |
New developments in energy transfer and transport studies in relativistic laser-plasma interactions |
P. A. Norreys et al. |
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 52, 124046 |
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Nanosecond x-ray Laue diffraction apparatus suitable for laser shock compression experiments |
M. Suggit et al. |
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 81, 083902 |
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A dual channel X-ray spectrometer for fast ignition research |
K. U. Akli et al. |
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An imaging proton spectrometer for short-pulse laser plasma experiments |
H. Chen et al. |
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Single-shot divergence measurements of a laser-generated relativistic electron beam |
F. Perez et al. |
Phys. Plasmas 17 113106 |
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Thomson-scattering measurements in the collective and noncollective regimes in laser-produced plasmas |
J. S. Ross et al. |
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Proton radiography of magnetic fields in a laser-produced plasma |
S. Le Pape et al. |
High Energy Density Phys. 6 365 |
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Thomson scattering probe for high density plasma characterization on Titan |
J. S. Ross et al. |
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 81 10D524 |
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Warm dense matter created by isochoric laser heating |
Y. Ping et al. |
High Energy Density Phys. 6 246 |
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Laser generated neutron source for neutron resonance spectroscopy |
D. Higginson et al. |
Phys. Plasmas 17 100107 |
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Development of atTime-resolved soft x-ray spectrometer for laser-produced plasma experiments |
K. V. Cone et al. |
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Design and measurement of a Cu L-edge x-ray filter for free electron laser pumped x-ray laser experiments |
J. Dunn et al. |
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Mapping the ionization state of laser-irradiated argon gas jets with multiwavelength monochromatic x-ray imaging |
N. L. Kugland et al. |
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Plasmons in strongly coupled shock-compressed matter |
P. Neumayer et al. |
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Self-guided laser wakefield acceleration beyond 1 GeV using ionization-induced injection |
C. Clayton et al. |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 105003 |
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Relativistic quasienergetic positron jets from intense laser-solid interactions |
H. Chen et al. |
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Observation of Relativistic Effects in Collective Thomson Scattering |
J. S. Ross et al. |
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Limitation on prepulse level for cone-guided fast-ignition inertial confinement fusion |
A. G. MacPhee et al. |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 055002 |
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X-ray radiography and scattering diagnosis of dense shock-compressed matter |
S. Le Pape et al. |
Phys. Plasmas 17 056309 |
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Laser wakefield acceleration at reduced density in the self-guided regime |
J. Ralph et al. |
Phys. Plasmas 17 056709 |
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Strength effects in diamond under shock compression from 0.1 to 1 TPa |
R. S. McWilliams, et al. |
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Isochoric heating of reduced mass targets by ultra-intense laser produced relativistic electrons |
P. Neumayer et al. |
High Energy Density Phys. 5 244 |
2009 |
Measurements of ionic structure in shock compressed lithium hydride from ultrafast x-ray Thomson scattering |
A. L. Kritcher, et al. |
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Measurements of the critical power for self-injection of electrons in a laser Wakefield accelerator |
D. H. Froula, et al. |
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Relativistic positron creation using ultraintense short pulse lasers |
H. Chen, et al. |
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Evolution of elastic x-ray scattering in laser-shocked warm dense lithium |
N. L Kugland, et al. |
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Laser-accelerated proton conversion efficiency thickness scaling |
D. Hey et al. |
Phys. Plasmas 16, 123108 |
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Making relativistic positrons using ultraintense short pulse lasers |
H. Chen |
Phys. Plasmas 16, 122702 |
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Development of a nanosecond-laer-pumped Raman amplifier for short laser pulses in plasma |
Y. Ping, et al. |
Phys. Plasmas 16, 123113 |
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Observations of proton beam enhancement due to erbium hydride on gold foli targets |
T. D. Offermann, et al. |
Phys. Plasmas 16, 093113 |
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Bremsstrahlung and K-alpha fluorescence measurements for inferring conversion efficienices into fast ignition relevant hot electrons |
C. D. Chen, et al. |
Phys. Plasmas 16, 082705 |
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X-ray spectroscopy of buried layer foils irradiated at laser intensities in excess of 1e20 W/cm2e |
S. N. Chen, et alet al. |
Phys. Plasmas 16, 062701 |
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Ultrafast K-alpha Thomson scattering from shock-compressed lithium hydride |
A. L. Kritcher, et al. |
Phys. Plasmas 16, 056308 |
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Frontiers of the physics of dense plasmas and planetary interiors: Experiments, theory, and applications |
J. J. Fortney, et al. |
Phys. Plasmas 16, 041003 |
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Hot electron energy distributions from ultraintense laser solid interactions |
H. Chen, et al. |
Phys. Plasmas 16, 020705 |
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Magnetically controlled plasma waveguide for laser wakefield acceleration |
D. H. Froula, et al. |
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Characterization of the preformed plasma for high-intensity laser-plasma interaction |
S. Le Pape, et al. |
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Reverberation technique for yield strength experiments at ultrahigh pressure and strain rate |
P. DeMange, et al. |
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Proton radiography of magnetic field in laser produced plasma |
S. Le Pape, et al. |
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A picosecond time-resolved electron energy spectrometer based on Cernkov radiation |
L. N. Elberson, et al. |
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A Seeman-Bohlin geometry for high-resolution nanosecond x-ray diffraction measurements from shocked polycrystalline and amorphous materials |
D. Milathianaki, et al. |
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 80, 093904 |
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Progress in fast igntion studies with electrons and protons |
A. MacKinnon et al. |
Atomic Proc. Plasmas, AIP Proc. 1161, 25 |
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Femtosecond x-ray diffraction: Appliacations for laser-irradiated materials |
J. Wark |
Atomic Proc. Plasmas, AIP Proc. 1161, 253 |
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K-alpha Thomson scattering from dense plasmas |
A. Kritcher et al. |
Atomic Proc. Plasmas, AIP Proc. 1161, 286 |
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Flow stress of V, Mo, Ta and W on nanosecond time scale |
D. C. Swift et al. |
Shock Comp. Cond. Matter, AIP Proc. 1195, 1057 |
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Ultrafast x-ray Thomson scattering of shock-compressed matter |
A. L. Kritcher, et al. |
Science 322, 69 |
2008 |
Absorption of Short Laser Pulses on Solid Targets in the Ultrarelativistic Regime |
Y. Ping, R. Shepherd, B.F. Lasinski, M. Tabak, H. Chen, H.K. Chung, K.B. Fournier, S.B. Hansen, A. Kemp, D.A. Liedahl, K. Widmann, S.C. Wilks, W. Rozmus, and M. Sherlock |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 085004 |
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Ultrafast dynamic compression technique to study the kinetics of phase transformations in bismuth |
R. Smith, et al. |
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Equation-of-state measurement of dense plasmas heated with fast protons |
G. M. Dyer, et al. |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 015002 |
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New laser technique produces bevy of antimatter |
H. Chen |
Discovery, December 1 |
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High K-alpha x-ray conversion efficiency from extended source gas jet targets irradiated by ultra-short laser pulses |
N. L. Kugland, et al. |
Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 241504 |
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Nail-like targets for laser-plasma interaction experiments |
J. Pasley, et al. |
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High-resolution 17-75 keV backlighters for high energy density experiments |
H.-S. Park, et al. |
Phys. Plasmas 15, 072705 |
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High-pressure nanocrystalline structure of a shock-compressed single crystal of iron |
J. A. Hawreliak, et al. |
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Magnetically controlled optical plasma waveguide for electron acceleration |
B. B. Pollock, et al. |
Advanced Accelerator Concepts, AIP 1086, 165 |
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Study of x-ray radiation from a laser wakefield accelerator |
V. Leurent, et al. |
Advanced Accelerator Concepts, AIP 1086, 235 |
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Extreme ultraviolet imaging of electron-heated targets in petawatt laser experiments |
T. Ma, et al. |
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Absolute calibration of image plates for electrons at energies between 100 keV and 4 MeV |
H. Chen, et al. |
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 033301 |
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Use of GafChromic film to diagnose laser generated proton beams |
D. S. Hey, et al. |
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 053501 |
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Determination of electron-heated temperatures of petawatt laser-irradiated foil targets with 256 and 68 eV extreme ultraviolet imaging |
T. Ma, et al. |
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 093507 |
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Density measurement of shock compressed foam using two-dimensional x-ray radiography |
S. Le Pape, et al. |
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 106104 |
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A Bremsstrahlung spectrometer using k-edge and differential filters with image plate dosimeters |
C. D. Chen, et al. |
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 10E305 |
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High order reflectivity of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite crystals for x-ray energies up to 22 keV |
T. Doeppner, et al. |
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2008 |
Electron heated target temperature measurements in petawatt laser experiments based on extreme ultraviolet imaging and spectroscopy |
T. Ma, et al. |
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 10E312 |
2008 |
High resolution soft x-ray spectroscopy lo low-Z K-shell emission from laser-produced plasmas |
J. Dunn, et al. |
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 10E314 |
2008 |
High performance compact magnetic spectrometers for energetic ion and electron measurement in ultraintense short pulse solid interactions |
H. Chen, et al. |
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 10E533 |
2008 |
Demonstration of x-ray Thomson scattering using picosecond K-alpha x-ray sources in the characterization of dense heated matter |
A. L. Kritcher, et al. |
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 10E739 |
2008 |
Development of backlighting sources for a Compton radiography diagnostic of inertial confinement fusion targets |
R. Tommasini, et al. |
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 10E901 |
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High contrast Kr gas jet K-alpha x-ray source for high energy density experiments |
N. L. Kugland, et al. |
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 10E917 |
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Diagnostics for fast ignition science |
A. MacPhee, et al. |
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 10F302 |
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Mulitcentimeter long high density magnetic plasmas for optical guiding |
B. B. Pollock, et al. |
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 10F550 |
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Shocked materials at the intersection of experiment and simulation |
H. E. Lorenzana, et al. |
Sci. Model. Simul. 15, 159 |
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Fast electron generation in cones with ultraintense laser pulses |
L. Van Woerkom, et al. |
Phys. Plasmas 15, 056304 |
2008 |
Quenching of the Nonlocal Electron Heat Transport by Large External Magnetic Fields in a Laser-Produced Plasma Measured with Imaging Thomson Scattering |
D.H. Froula, J.S, Ross, B.B. Pollock, P. Davis, A.N. James, L. Divol, M.J. Edwards, A.A. Offenberger, D.F. Price, R.P.J. Town, G.R. Tynan, and S.H. Glenzer |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 135001 |
2007 |
K-alpha conversion efficiency measurements for x-ray scattering in inertial confinement fusion plasmas |
A. L. Kritcher, et al. |
High Energy Density Phys. 3, 156 |
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Proton radiography of megagauss electromagnetic fields generated by the irradiation of a solid target by an ultraintense laser pulse |
S. Le Pape, et al. |
Astrophys Space Sci 307, 341 |
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Amplification of an ultrashort pulse laser by stimulated Raman scattering of a 1 ns pulse in a low density plasma |
R. K. Kirkwood, et al. |
Phys. Plasmas 14, 113109 |
2007 |
Experimental observation of transport of picosecond laser generated electrons in a nail-like target |
J. Pasley, et al. |
Phys. Plasmas 14, 120701 |
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Fast-electron-relaxation measurement for laser-solid interaction at relativistic laser intensities |
H. Chen, et al. |
Phys. Rev E 76, 054602 |
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Nanosecond x-ray diffraction from polycrystalline and amorphous materials in a pinhole cameral geometry for laser shock compression experiments |
J. Hawreliak, et al. |
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New optical diagnostics for equation of state experiments on the Janus laser |
D. K. Spaulding, et al. |
Shock Comp. Cond. Matter, AIP Proc 955, 1071 |
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In-situ probing of lattice response in shock compressed materials using x-ray diffraction |
J. Hawreliak et al. |
Shock Comp. Cond. Matter, AIP Proc. 955, 1327 |
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A geometry for sub-ns x-ray diffraction from lasers-shocked polycrystalline foils |
J. Wark et al. |
Shock Comp. Cond. Matter, AIP Proc. 955, 1345 |
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Analysis of the x-ray diffraction signal for the alpha-epsilon transition in shock-compressed iron: Simulation and experiment |
J. Hawreliak et al. |
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Broadband Dielectric Function of Nonequilibrium Warm Dense Gold |
Y. Ping, D. Hanson, I. Koslow, T. Ogitsu, D. Prendergast, E. Schwegler, G. Collins, and A. Ng |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 255003 |
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Optical properties in nonequilibrium phase transitions |
T. Ao, Y. Ping, K. Widmann, D.F. Price, E. Lee, H. Tam, P.T. Springer, and A. Ng |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 055001 |
2006 |
Measurement of the dispersion of thermal ion-acoustic fluctuations in high-temperature laser plasmas using multiple-wavelength Thomson scattering |
D.H. Froula, P. Davis, L. Divol, J.S. Ross, N. Meezan, D.F. Price and S.H. Glenzer |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 195005 |
2005 |
Direct observation of the α-ω transition in shock-compressed iron via nanosecond X-ray diffraction |
D.H. Kalantar, J.F. Belak, G.W. Collins, J.D. Colvin, H.M. Davies, J.H. Eggert, T.C. Germann, J. Hawreliak, B.L. Holian, K. Kadau, P.S. Lomdahl, H.E. Lorenzana, M.A. Mayers, K. Rosolankova, M.S. Schneider, J. Shepperd, J.S. Stolken and J.S. Wark |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 075502 |
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High-repetition-rate grazing-incidence pumped X-ray laser operating at 18.9 nm |
R. Keenan, J. Dunn, P.K. Patel, D.F. Price, R.F. Smith and V.N. Shlyaptsev |
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2005 |
Observation of a multiply ionized plasma with index of refraction greater than one |
J. Filevich, J.J Rocca, M.C. Marconi, S.J. Moon, J. Nilsen, J.H. Scofield, J. Dunn, R.F. Smith, R. Keenan and J.R. Hunter |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 035005 |
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Direct experimental evidence of back-surface ion acceleration from laser-irradiated gold foils |
M. Allen, P.K. Patel, A. Mackinnon, D. Price, S. Wilks and E. Morse |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 265004 |
2004 |
Direct observation of the saturation of Stimulated Brilluoin Scattering by ion-trapping-induced frequency shifts |
D.H. Froula, L. Divo, A.A. Offenberger, N. Meezan, T. Ao, G. Gregori, C. Niemann, D. Price, C.A. Smith and S.H. Glenzer |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 035001 |
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Single-state measurement of electrical conductivity of warm dense gold |
K. Widmann, T. Ao, M.E. Foord, D.F. Price, A.D. Ellis, P.T. Springer and A. Ng |
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2004 |
Multi-MeV proton source investigations in ultraintense laser-foil interactions |
M. Borghesi, A.J. Mackinnon, D.H. Campbell, D.G. Hicks, S. Kar, P.K. Patel, D. Price, L. Romagnani, A. Schiavi and O. Willi |
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Time resolved spectroscopy of ultrashort pulse laser generated x rays using von Hamos crystal spectroscopy |
R. Shepherd, et al. |
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Isochoric heating of solid-density matter with an ultrafast proton beam |
P.K. Patel, A.J. Mackinnon, M.H. Key, T.E. Cowan, M.E. Foord, M. Allen, D.F. Price, H. Ruhl, P.T. Springer and R. Stephens |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 125004 |
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