Call for Proposal Submissions

The Jupiter Laser Facility (JLF) User Program is not currently accepting proposals.

The purpose of the call for proposals is to provide opportunities for forefront experimental science in high-energy-density matter, laser–matter interactions, high-pressure materials, and plasma disciplines, as well as access to high-capability laser platforms for the development of novel ideas. JLF encourages student participation in experiments. Jupiter is a multi-platform, intermediate-scale laser user facility located at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). Proposals will be accepted for the laser platforms Titan, Janus, and COMET.


In an effort to enhance access to intermediate-scale facilities with high-energy or high-intensity laser capabilities, the Department of Energy’s Office of Fusion Energy Sciences established LaserNetUS, a consortium of laser facilities at universities and laboratories that provide open access for laser experiments through a peer-review proposal process. JLF is a member of LaserNetUS, and approximately half of JLF shot-time will be reserved for LaserNetUS proposals.

Important: Do not submit proposals to JLF that you have submitted or intend to submit to LaserNetUS for the same run period.

Proposal Considerations

Proposals will be accepted for high-energy-density experiments from any institution.

For Titan and Janus, an experimental run cycle is defined as four weeks, including setup and teardown. Proposals can be accepted for experimental runtimes of less than or more than four weeks; however, the proposal should make the reasons for the request very clear. Requests for time on COMET are not required to fit the four-week cycle.

Review Process

All proposals will be peer reviewed by a JLF Proposal Review Committee consisting of LLNL and non-LLNL scientists using a merit-based system assessing scientific and/or programmatic quality, impact, and feasibility. Additional technical assessment of proposals may be solicited from external referees. Principal investigators should ensure that the goal of the experiment is clear in the proposal and that the laser time requested is realistic. Although not a requirement, it is desired that most experiments performed at JLF result in peer-reviewed publications.


While users will not be charged for laser time, they are required to provide resources for their experimental workforce, targets, and diagnostics (except for diagnostics that are permanent to JLF). JLF cannot provide funding to experimenters, but can, under some circumstances, help with targets.

Policies and Submission

Experimental teams are not required to have participation by LLNL scientists, although collaborating with researchers who have JLF experience has been enormously helpful in the past. JLF staff will arrange the target area, assist in locating and installing equipment, and make every attempt to provide the laser specifications requested. However, unlike larger user facilities, JLF does not have a “beam line scientist” to help set up, participate in, or facilitate experiments; JLF experiments are very much a hands-on experience. In that vein, students are welcome, although those new to JLF will require oversight by experienced team members.

Prior to the preparation of proposals, applicants should review the user policies and procedures detailed on the Policies and Procedures page.

Proposal templates are available for download on the Proposal Submission Instructions page.